Monday, February 8, 2016

9235G Notes

 Here is the infamous drift gate at 9235G.  This gate has always been a disaster and it's only become worse since the last time we used it almost a year ago.  The key thing is getting the metal post anchored in the bottom loop (arrow) before attempting to close the top  loop.  We will do a little work on the gate tomorrow to hopefully make it easier to deal with.
 The red arrow shows the location of the gate.  We were facing East driving back out when we took this picture because we couldn't get a good photo shooting into the sun.  Anyway, this is what the road looks like.
 We drove our relatively low clearance 1994 Nissan pickup and it did fine.  There are no muddy spots--everything is dry.  When you come to the multiple forks in the road,continue straight ahead as shown by the long  arrow.  The Classifier site is  at the short arrow.
 This is were we will be shooting the the wash.  It provide some decent buffering for any wind that might arise tomorrow afternoon.
 This is just one reason we're not using 9204W--almost countless cow pies in the area where we normally set up the Classifier!
And here are the cow pie perps!  Yes, they are directly downrange of where we would be shooting the Classifier.  So, clearly a No Go at Site #1.